BullionVault is owned by Galmarley Limited [name origin], which is company number 4943684 registered in Great Britain. You can see a list of shareholders at Companies House on http://www.companieshouse.gov.uk

Galmarley is involved exclusively in gold and gold related information technology. It owns not only www.BullionVault.com but also www.galmarley.com

The galmarley site is a free educational resource for researchers seeking information on gold's monetary history, its modern role, and how it is traded around the world. It has grown to become one of the most visited and studied gold resources on the Internet.

Feedback from Galmarley’s many tens of thousands of visitors inspired the development of the BullionVault service.

:: People

BullionVault achieves its significant cost savings for you through automation, which enables Galmarley to operate with a full time staff of just three. They are Paul Tustain (CEO), Alex Edwards, and Kris Jenkins.

All three are very experienced computer professionals with backgrounds in banking and accounting systems, internet and telecommunications networks, operating systems and security. Between them they own 73% of the fully diluted equity of Galmarley.

:: Capital

Galmarley's capital is arranged in three layers to provide maximum customer protection with maximum management accountability.

Each layer of Galmarley capital is subordinated to you and protects you in front of the capital’s owners.

:: The layers are :

Approx $1.89m (£1m) convertible redeemable bonds
Approx $1.75m (£0.925m) management bonds (100% owned by the company's officers and founders)
Approx $0.5m (£212k) equity (73% owned by the company's officers)
The equity capital provided the funding for the BullionVault development, while the bond capital provides a pool of cash and gold to enable a deep and liquid gold market on the BullionVault order board.

Consequently the company’s bond liabilities - its only liabilities - are 100% balanced by cash and gold reserves. This figure compares with the 12.5% liquid reserve of most modern banks.

Above and beyond those reserves the equity shareholders reserve is in surplus, meaning the cost of site development has been redeemed to the company in cash. This shareholders' reserve is also employed as cash and gold inventory on the BullionVault order board, further protecting you and bondholders - in that order - with exceptional asset liquidity.

The status of the $1.75m management bonds deliberately puts our management at financial risk. It protects both you and our outside investors – in that order – and personally commits our management to the continued safe and efficient operation of our business.

The convertible redeemable bonds protect you too. They are owned by outside investors in the company who monitor the management of BullionVault and ensure that the management bonds are not risked.

However all this caution in the Galmarley structure is secondary, because the gold you buy on BullionVault and store at Brinks is your outright property. Our structure ensures that the continued prosperity of Galmarley, Lloyds TSB bank, and even Brinks – or their failure – has no impact on your ownership of your gold. You retain the ability to realise its proper market value whatever the future may have in store for us.

What are BullionVault's strategic objectives?

BullionVault's objective is to create the world's most cost-effective, secure and accessible market in professional grade gold bullion.